Getting Started

Saturday, December 22, 2018

Solstice Greetings

Sitka in Winter
by Mark Kelly
Prints available here

Everyday Prayer

By the break of day
And the eyelids of morning
By the wayfaring moon
And the night as it ends

I swear

I will not tarnish my soul with hatred
But will offer myself humbly
As a protecter of nature
As a healer of misery
As a messenger of wonder
As an architect of peace

In the name of the sun and its minors
And the embracing day
And the veiling clouds
And uttermost night

I will honor all life
Wherever and in whatever form I find it

On Earth my home
And in the mansions of the stars

-- School Prayer by Dianne Ackerman
(As remembered... follow link for original)

Solstice Greetings

Today is winter Solstice, the low tide and slack of the year.

It's blowing and snowing: bare trees are limned with it while it lies heavy on the conifered slopes. The day has been an opalescent progression of ominous purples, golden eruptions, cerulean blues, scarlet flames and the pure white of gulls dancing with the fulgent black of corvidae. Surrounding peaks shimmer in and out of existence; sometimes rooted to the earth, and at others, floating impossibly high above it all. Toward the low light of day, the wind-tumbled Sound reaches for the sea.

The fire's warm, coffee strong and rich, and the wine is mulled; company good.

We've pulled into Sitka for the winter... our new masts are up but we have been gently reminded by the playful wind that winter is no time for the first steps of sea-trials (had to slip an anchor and run for shelter on our way in). So time to renew long languishing friendships and enjoy such urban delights as libraries, hardware stores, cafes and second hand.

We hope the holidays find you safe, warm and well!


Dave and Anke


  1. Haven't heard from you in good long while.
    Glad to hear that you two are alright.

    1. Hi Everitt,

      A combination of ailing computer, sailing out-of-range and travel to Europe has kept us quiet. Hopefully, 3 months in Sitka will get me off my kiester to start writing again!

      Dave Z

    2. good...I hate it when old internet acquaintances fade away...too many of them in my experience have died.

      don't DO's not allowed.

  2. Best to you two in the new year!

    1. Hi Doryman,

      And to you! Fair winds and fine sailing!

      Dave Z

  3. Happy solstice! Sitka looks gorgeous :-)
    And I so love the opening poem.

    Cheers to you both, and wishes for a marvelous new year!

    1. Hi Shemaya,

      And to you two, too! Best of luck for the R2AK!

      Dave Z

  4. Hi Dave and Anke.
    It's good to hear from you. We wish you a happy, safe, and warm new year.
    John & Peggy
    Trilobyte MICRO-G, Fales motor-sailor DABBLER

    1. Hi John and Peggy,

      Likewise to you!

      Here's hoping you get a balmy spring out your way. Still hoping to hear about those oars! 8)

      Dave Z

  5. Hope you and yours have a good new year. All the best!

    1. Hi Sixbears,

      Same to you, and hope this finds you fully back on the water!

      Dave Z

  6. Great to read that both of you are well and content, Dave. Sitka is a fine place to winter. I am putting that Sitka image up as my new desktop foto. You probably well already know but Dmitry Orlovs "Quidnon" got a logic makeover and is now a barge of sorts: beefed up, sea-going trilo with rolled up bow. It's nice to see the whole concept getting so rolled around and modified. A super 2019 to you as well and look forward to reading how the new liveaboard is performing for you. Best wishes to you both from the B&T show at latitude 17N.

  7. Hi B&T,

    So good to hear from you! We've been missing your video cards from the sunny south!

    17N? That's a little further S than I'd pictured... will catch up with you soon.

    Dave Z
