Please visit our home site at

Anke and I live aboard WAYWARD, and wrote about it's design and construction at

Access to the net comes and goes, so I'll be writing in fits and spurts.Please feel free to browse the archives, leave comments where you will and write... I'll respond as I can.

Fair winds!

Dave and Anke
triloboats swirly gmail daughter com

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Sailing in Place


Book Release!

Sailing in Place has gone live at Amazon (yeah, I know, but it's a start 😖 ). Both a Kindle version and paperback are available, and I'm working toward .epub and PDF versions to be made available at

This is our first book and serves as introduction and background to our planned series, Sailing Simple: Means and Mindset, to which we'll be adding as time rolls on. Each new title will be a themed collection of updated posts from this blog (we've learned a lot over the years) extended with new writing.

Sailing in Place revolves around our life on the water; how we think about it and approach its challenges. It's not a memoir, though we spin some yarns. No nuts-and-bolts how-to, though the hardware shows. We hope, rather, to convey a taste of the flavor and flair that goes with sailing engine-free in a place of overwhelming beauty.

The blog has been a great place to share much of what we've learned over the years. But it has organizational limitations... it's not been easy to tie related posts together into larger themes.

Thanks to you all for reading along with us since... what?... 2011! We've enjoyed sharing what we've been given and meeting many of you online and a few in person. 

Here's hoping that you're enjoying the cruise as much as we are!


For those of you who read Sailing in Place and feel inspired to do so, your honest rating and/or review at Amazon is most appreciated! 


  1. What a delightful surprise!
    I’ve bought it and I know what I’ll be doing the next couple of days.
    Thank you Dave and Anke
    Cheers, James

  2. Got my copy, enjoying the first few chapters immensely. looking forwards to the rest of the read. Keep up the good work! its like a longform of your website. thank you Dave an Anka

  3. May I purchase your book anywhere other than on Amazon?

    1. Hi,

      I've had several request for an alternative to Amazon, so am working on getting a PDF and ePub version up at Hopefully in this coming week.

      The ePub version is optimized for Kindle (unfortunately, that's a consequence of the software I used), but should work in any reader app or device. That being said, the formatting can be wonky and the table of contents generally doesn't work well.

      So check in, and hopefully we'll have them available!


      Dave Z

  4. Congratulations on making and publishing the book! I too prefer a non-Amazon source. But “needs must” as the cousins in the UK say.
